The Extech TM100 Type J/K Single Input Thermometer has a wide temperature range of -200°C to 1372°C (-328°F to 2501°F) for Type K measurements and -210°C to 1100°C (-346°F to 2012°F) for Type J measurements. It has a high 1°C/0.1°F resolution, as well as a large backlit LCD display with readouts in °C, °F, or Kelvin. The data hold function freezes the reading on the display and the screen displays the max/min/avg. Readings capture a relative time stamp. Also, the offset key is used for zero function to make relative measurements. Comes with anuto power off with a disable feature. This thermometer comes complete with the Type K bead wire temperature probe and three (3) AAA 1.5V batteries.
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